Öffentlicher Vortrag von Frau Jennifer Maaß, LL.M. (BELS) an der Universität Cambridge am 10.11.2022, 16:00 Uhr zum Klimaschutzrecht

  • 08.11.22 11:47

Frau Jennifer Maaß, LL.M. wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Europäisches und Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht der BELS und Visiting Researcher am Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL) der Universität Cambridge, hält am Donnerstag, den 10.11.2022 um 16:00 Uhr (MEZ) einen öffentlichen Vortrag am Cambridge Centre for Environment and Natural Ressource Governance (CEENRG).

Das Thema lautet "Strategic Climate Litigation in the (Post-)Anthropocene – Overcoming Formal and Substantial Barriers".

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Abstract zum Vortrag: Climate change is a phenomenon that is becoming increasingly recognised worldwide, and more and more political and legal approaches are being developed to meet the challenges posed by the consequences of climate change. However, given that these approaches are frequently insufficient or not fit for purpose, states and, more recently, private actors, such as businesses, are increasingly being held responsible through legal action. One accompanying phenomenon in this respect is the development of strategic litigation, since politics, climate change mitigation and effective legal protection do not always interlock. But what does strategic climate litigation exactly mean? What formal and substantive challenges do litigants face? What impact do climate lawsuits have? Which impact do they unfold on climate policy and climate change law developments, and should legal developments be influenced at all by law-recognising institutions? Do we need to adopt a new understanding of participation and the exercise of rights in the interplay of future generations, Harmony with Nature and the Global Agenda 2030 in a post-antropocene interpretation?

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